Five Ways to Wellbeing

I recently had the opportunity to visit Kew Gardens and Kew Palace in England.  I’d heard of Kew Gardens’ beautiful grounds and hot houses, but I didn’t realize until my visit that King George III had lived there.  In fact, he was kept there (apparently under duress) when he was experiencing his bouts with mental illness. 

As I walked through the relatively small palace, I came upon a display about mental health and how to support yourself and others.  I thought I’d share the highlights of a nice pamphlet which was provided called “Look after your Wellbeing” and published by Historic Royal Palaces.

“Five Ways to Wellbeing”

1)     Connect – Connecting with people around us increases our feelings of happiness and self-worth.  Suggestion:  Call up a friend or family member for a chat or join a local activity group.

***I visited Kew with my daughter so we happily checked the connect box!

2)     Be Active – Exercising makes you feel good and keeps you healthy.  Find something you enjoy such as walking, cycling, dancing, or gardening!

***My daughter and I walked a ton.  Our hotel was located just across from a large public park and we walked each day.  Those Brits definitely get out into their parks with their dogs!

3)      Keep learning – Learning new things keeps your mind active, makes you more confident and gives you plenty of interesting things to talk about!  You could learn a new skill, language, or discover a new place or activity.

***Visiting Kew definitely ticked the learning box.  Who knew that the Victorians were so mad about ferns and palms???

4)      Give – Acts of giving and kindness boost our feelings of self-worth and connection with others.  Complimenting or thanking someone, being there for a friend when they are experiencing a difficult time, or volunteering can brighten up your day and that of others!

***My good friend, Barb, got me in the habit of leaving a brief thank you note with my tip to the person who cleans my hotel room.  So I always try to make sure that I have a pen and paper handy so I can add my personal appreciation to people who support me.  I am relaxing but they are working!!  What if my tip pays for their subway fare or helps pay for their child’s lunch?

5)      Take Notice – Being more aware and mindful of yourself and the world around you has a positive impact on your feelings and how you deal with challenges.  Take notice of your feelings, your surroundings, and the people you are interacting with.  Notice anything new?

***I noticed how good it felt to move my body every day.  It also felt really good to take a nice walk, then stop for a drink and a chat with my daughter.  There is great people watching amongst the beauty of public gardens.


So my hope for you as we head into Summer is that you will get some good “green” time outdoors.  Also, open your windows and let the fresh air into you home.  And pay attention to your five paths to wellbeing.