Join Dr. Tammy Mikinski and American Public Square for the Elephant in the Room, a light-hearted love story and compelling look at navigating relationships when opposites attract.
Navigating the interplay between family and finances? Here’s what “The Great Wealth Transfer” hints at (and how to live your best life).
Whether the daily grind or during the holidays, learning to recognize / create moments of comfort and joy are crucial for buoying us in the midst of challenges.
if you can only do one thing to improve your love relationship, make sure that you know and support your PARTNER’S dreams – not Your dream for them, or what you think their dreams should be, but THEIR actual dreams.
Once people are introduced to the power and science of the Gottman Method, they become believers because it is easy to learn and implement in a way that is both positive and hopeful ...
For any relationship to succeed long-term, It is super important for both partners to practice we-ness instead of defaulting to me-ness …
Take it easy. Take your time. Take care. Take a break. Especially at this time of year when it’s easy to let your schedule run you, rather than you run your schedule.
If couples avoid self-disclosure and avoid conflict, these are part of the cascade toward betrayal. Couples need to share things and process things. Even difficult things …
Dr. Mikinski is an APT Registered Play Therapist™
“When you tell her she's stronger than the storm blowing in. When you're there when she just needs a friend……”
A wild home is a natural environment that you can visit often to experience emotional and spiritual renewal. Nature is a balm during difficult times, so cultivate your inner garden. You’ll be richer for it.
I recently had the opportunity to visit Kew Gardens and Kew Palace in England. As I walked through the relatively small palace, I came upon a display about how to support yourself and others with “Five Ways to Wellbeing” …
I want to share a concept that I had not been familiar with before, but which totally makes sense: recent grief/loss is not reducing over time. The loss stays the same, it is us who change. We grow around the grief.
Friendship is HUGE. It is important to make decisions that are win-win and to feel like your partner has your back in all situations, especially challenging ones.
So often we think that we are being helpful when we point out where our partner could improve but our delivery is damaging…
When girls see women succeeding and leading, not perfectly, but with grace and tenacity, it has a huge impact.
Grandparents can be an incredible resource for a family. Here are a few of the amazing and important roles I’ve seen these often unsung Heroes fulfill.
It is not rocket science! Most couples have the components while they are dating. They just need to not lose their friendship in the shuffle of life.
Suffering the loss of a child or peer is traumatic. People genuinely caring about other people makes a difference. Here are some practical things you can do if you are worried about someone in your life. It is time to love.
When our friendship is working well with our romantic partners, we have access to our sense of humor which is crucial to helping us manage the inevitable conflict which occurs in a relationship.
It is an exciting time be able to gather in a common space to learn and grow. KCCT offers a variety of community workshops plus professional training opportunities!
Leave your first session of Couples Therapy with a game plan for improving your relationship here-and-now.
May ribbons of grace and rock-solid friendships be yours this holiday season … (a parable)
‘Will you be there for me if your mother criticizes me?’ or ‘Will you be there for me if I’m sick or depressed?’. Couples need to know that their partner will keep them physically, mentally and emotionally safe.”
During the past month, I’ve been able to immerse myself in some nature-based experiences with insights I’d like to share with you as I encourage you to take advantage of these beautiful autumn days to get outside yourself.
Mental health has come to the center stage of sports this year. As more and more high-profile figures share their personal stories and promote therapy, it is my hope that counseling will become like seat belts. It will be just natural to seek help and support to protect ourselves.
When there is a wide difference between points of view, do you find yourself either tuning out, making a judgement, or trying to get away as soon as possible? Courageous Conversations can help!
Friends, the “Stress in America” survey results are out and We need to Self-care it up! As you take advantage of summer and its outdoor possibilities, here are some ideas to help get you re-balancing.
Just as it was a shock to our systems and psyches to go into a sudden “lockdown”, the same will be the case as we begin to stick our heads, bodies, and emotions back out into social situations with more and more people. Here are a few tips to find your comfort zone.
Affecting mood, energy, immunity (and more), in this bedroom-based post we are headed to the world of “power naps” and the “4 Golden Rules” of quality sleep.
“Everything you need to know about healthy sleep but are too tired to ask”. In this bedroom-based blog, we are headed to the world of better sleep with renowned Sleep Expert and Author …
In this new wellness docuseries, veteran and advocate Henry Charles Albert David (aka Prince Harry) shares how EMDR therapy is especially effective for helping cope when feeling nervous, tense, helpless, or hollowed out …
As a Therapist I am frequently called upon to Coach couples on how to be their own Referees. The next time you feel an argument or disagreement brewing, ask yourself …
“For me, one of the hardest things to accept in life is that control is an illusion … Loss happens. Failure happens. Sorrow happens. I can’t always control where I’m headed, either” ~PCJonas
A great read for: Parents, Grandparents raising grandkids, Foster Parents, Educators, and Wellness Professionals!
Have you taken on a “pandemic project?” Something for your mental health that helps distract you or provides pleasure or personal enrichment?
Not everyone experiencing violence in an intimate partner relationship recognizes it as abuse. So, I’d like to share some resources if you need them personally, or for a friend or family member…
Taking a moment to reflect and connect with another human’s experience … Sending compassion to the past, present, and future … We can all lean in to being more kind and grateful.
I frequently hear from couples about how much fun they had sharing common interests when they were dating but how, with busy lives, those things seem to drop off the calendar …
Rituals are important in life and marriage. Having regular or daily “rituals of connection” provide small opportunities to “turn towards” your partner and strengthen your bond.
Is something “taking energy away from your relationship” such as an affair, too much time at work, too much time on screens, etc? Often, the third member of a relationship is alcohol or marijuana use…
Imagine a world where dreams matter and dreams come true…
Bullying, Gaslighting, Break-ups, Physical injuries … Traumas of all sizes change our experience of the world. EMDR therapy can help provide Effective Relief from persistent feelings of “I’m not safe”, “I’m not worthy”.
Willpower is “the extent to which you have the will to shape your future”.
Waypower is “the extent to which you see a WAY to positively shape your future.”
During these uncertain times the need for support seems to be increasing each day. So, I thought that it might be helpful to highlight some easy-to-access resources ...
Tune in for my conversation with Reverend Jeff Prothro as we discuss coping with grief, anger, anxiety and depression. Access a list of (free) crisis outreach Resources
Feeling valued and adding value in our relationship with others is the single most important factor for Happiness and Health.
I spend a lot of time talking about money with couples in my office. Money is power. Money is a resource. Money, in some cases, is very tied up with family…
Fun, Positive, and Low-stress ways to share a moment with your romantic partner …
Attunement is crucial for real connection and to repair ruptures in a relationship. These four steps work well with your children, your friends, your co-workers, and other important people in your life…
Would you know when your relationship needed Revitalizing or CPR? Research tells us that most couples wait 6 years before they seek help!
2/3 of couples experience a decline in relationship satisfaction after the birth of their first baby. Designed for all Prospective, Adoptive, and New Parents, join us at Heartland Play Therapy for the BBH Workshop.
Resources for helping couples divorcing or divorced to keep the best interests of their kids a top priority. These include co-parenting counseling, parenting coordination, and dual parent coordination.
It might be helpful to seek Counseling after a difficult period in your life or after a traumatic event.
Did you know that 1 in 10 new Dads experience post-partum depression? As relationship goals and roles are redefined, supporting New Dads is important. Share these (Free) Resources with everyone you know
Within the Gottman world, we talk about the “culture of appreciation”. How we truly feel and express our appreciation for our partners, our families, and other people in our world is vital to the health of our relationships
Ever wonder why some of us “marry adventure,” or marry stability, or marry compassion? Learn more about the science of attraction and compatibility
All couples engage in Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt, and Stonewalling but successful couples are able to masterfully "repair" due to the reservoir of goodwill they have created and their overall positivity about the relationship
… there are only 324 Certified Gottman Couples Therapists in the world!