Have you taken on a “pandemic project?” Something for your mental health that helps distract you or provides pleasure or personal enrichment. Around my house, we’ve had a motorcycle refurbished, a home gym built and used frequently, and someone has been cooking their way through the New York Times recipe section much to the rest of our delight!
There’s also been a lot of reading and lots of walking outdoors. I have never been more grateful to live in sunny Kansas where generally “the skies are not cloudy all day.” For me personally, I have been on a continuing education kick.
A big educational endeavor I have embarked on is expanding my ability to assist families. As I meet with more and more couples, I am consulting more and more on Parenting concerns. Therefore, I have started to do a deep dive into Play Therapy training. So far, I have gained beneficial skills in: Family Play Therapy, Foundations of Child-Centered Play Therapy, and utilizing EMDR within Play Therapy.
I wish you and yours a good holiday season as you navigate this unique environment. I know that many of you will be experiencing stress and loss, so you are in my heart.
All my best wishes for the new and hopefully healthy year ahead!
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