I just spent a weekend in Seattle with about 200 couples who were working on their relationships. It was absolutely phenomenal! I was SO impressed with the desire of these couples to improve their partnerships. What respect and awe I had as I was able to observe them (most from a distance to respect their privacy – only invited in for a quick consultation or question) as they worked through the Gottman Institute’s Art and Science of Love workshop guided by Dr. Don and Carrie Cole. As a Certified Gottman Therapist, I was able to attend in the capacity of a “Rover” in training. Rovers are available to couples both days to assist with understanding the exercises which couples complete through the course of the workshop.
The Art and Science of Love workshops are unique in that they can only be conducted by Certified Gottman Therapists who have been approved to do them. Attending one of these events can be a great introduction to the Gottman Method or a nice adjunct to your own couples’ therapy. Each couple’s privacy was highly respected, and I never knew the names of the couples I assisted. Couples were pre-screened as good fits for this workshop by the Couples Department at the Gottman Institute. My guess is that they come from all over the world to work on their relationships with a process built on very good research.
So, how far would You go
to improve your marriage or romantic relationship?
Would you know when it needed revitalizing, or an energy boost, or CPR?
Research tells us that most couples wait 6 years before seeking help with their relationship.
SIX YEARS! That’s a lot of your life! Research, especially Dr. Gottman’s, also tells us that we have a pretty good idea of what a healthy relationship looks like and what relationships having problems look like.
Check-out Gottman’s Sound Relationship House for a picture of what it takes to build a sound structure and check-out the Four Horsemen to see what threatens that happy home.
There are so many ways to engage with the Gottman Method and their material. If you’re reading this blog, my guess is that you are interested in keeping or making your love-relationship happy. So, think about signing up for either:
· our Seven Principles workshop
· or Bringing Baby Home workshop
As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude to each of the couples and all of the clients who have entered my office over the past 25 plus years. It has been a honor to share a part of life’s journey with you.
Happy Thanksgiving!