It Matters to Her

Although I’m a fan of all kinds of music, I was raised on Country Music.  My first babysitter in the 1960’s had a classic country station on all the time, my dad was the emcee of a country show that was a regional mainstay in northeastern Kansas for over 40 years, and one of my best childhood friends went off to start her career as a Country music artist at the age of 17.  So when my daughter and I took at recent road trip to Dallas, there was no question that Country music was the majority of her playlist.  You just can’t drive I-35 through Oklahoma and Texas with any other soundtrack.  In Kansas, it was a heavy Taylor Swift rotation.

So, as we were cruising down the highway, on comes a Scotty McCreery song I had never heard but knew immediately that it had Gottman Couples Therapy vibes.  According to the information I read about the song afterwards, Scotty contributed to the lyrics after 4 years of marriage and the birth of his first child.  If you know anything about the Gottman’s Sound Relationship House or the Bringing Baby Home Program, I think that you’ll agree with me that the words are spot on.  So, I’d like to share some of them below.  Happy Road Tripping in August!


“When you say I love you
Before you hang up the phone
When you buy her favorite wine
On your way home
When you kiss her in the kitchen
When you kiss her on the street
When you kiss her when she's still asleep

It matters to her
It stays on her mind
When you put her first
Every single time

When you think she don't see
When you think she don't care
When you think she don't notice what you're doing there
Every little look, every single word, oh, it matters to her

When you pull her in close
When she had a bad day
When you shut up and listen
To what she has to say
When you tell her she's stronger
Than the storm blowing in
When you're there when she just needs a friend……”