EMDR Therapy

All of us have moments that make us feel “less than”. Bullying, Gaslighting, Break-ups, Physical accidents or injuries … Traumas of all sizes change our experience of the world (in the moment and for years to come).

“Fight, or Flight, or Freeze” is a natural physiological response to unsettling sounds, smells, and images (flashbacks). The ways our bodies try to protect us can become hyper-vigilant if not safely contextualized. EMDR therapy can help provide effective relief from persistent feelings of “I’m not safe”, “I’m not worthy”.

EMDR therapy is recommended by both the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, and the World Health Organization. Guided rapid eye movement exercises, and the accompanying psychological processes, can help desensitize “triggering events”. For many clients, EMDR therapy can be successfully completed in fewer sessions than traditional talk-therapy (and with similar long-term results)!

Curious if EMDR therapy is right for You? Please Contact us to learn more.