Building a Great Sex Life

To quote Drs. John and Julie Gottman: “Building a Great Sex Life:  It’s Not Rocket Science.” 

Research has shown that these 13 things make a couple’s sex life stronger:

1)      Say “I love you” every day and mean it.

2)      Kiss one another passionately for no reason.

3)      Give surprise romantic gifts.

4)      Know what turns partners on and off erotically.

5)      Be physically affectionate, even in public.

6)      Keep playing and having fun together.

7)      Cuddle often.

8)      Make sex a priority, not the last item of a long to-do list.

9)      Stay good friends by building love maps and fondness and admiration.

10)   Talk comfortably about their sex life.

11)   Have weekly romantic dates.

12)   Take romantic vacations.

13)   Be mindful about turning towards

A great resource for couples wanting to freshen up their passion and romance are the Gottman’s Salsa Cards.  Free at the App Store or on the Gottman website, these colorful cards come in 3 categories:

  • Mild cards for “courtship” type activities.

  • Medium cards for sexual intimacy.

  • Hot cards are spicy and adventurous.

      I encourage you and your romantic partner to check them out!